Elastic Nailing

Elastic Nailing

Product Features

Nail Tip Facilitates nail insertion and sliding along the medullary canal Height of the tip guarantees correct relation to the medullary cavity. Facilitates nail manipulation for fracture reduction. Nail marking Allows direct visual control of the alignment of the nail tip in the medullary canal reducing exposure to the image intensifier.

  • Two sizes of end caps to cover all nail diameters
  • Sharp self-cutting thread for fixation in bone
  • Reduces the risk of nail back out
  • Reduces the risk of soft-tissue irritation
  • Facilitate implant removal

Intended Use

The Elastic Nailing System is intended for the fixation of diaphyseal fractures where the canal is narrow or flexibility of the implant is crucial. It includes:

  • Lower extremity fractures in pediatric and small-stature patients.
  • Upper extremity fractures in all patients. This system is also suitable for the treatment of metaphyseal and epiphyseal fractures, such as radial neck fractures, and for fixation of small long bones, such as carpal and tarsal bones. In pediatric applications, the flexibility of the elastic nail allows for insertion at a point that avoids disruption of the bone growth plate.

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CE Approved

USFDA 510K Cleared

Mechanical Testing


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